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Understanding Java Object Memory Layout

This article provides a detailed introduction to the storage structure of Java objects in memory, discusses how to reasonably estimate the approximate memory space required for project operation through tools and theoretical knowledge, and deepens the understanding of the Java object memory structure. 1. Overview of JVM Memory StructureThe JVM memory structure is mainly divided into the following parts: Stack Memory: Used to store local variables, operand stacks, and method return addresses during method calls.

Rust Ownership

Ownership is a core concept in the Rust programming language, addressing many memory safety issues that exist in system programming languages. Ownership rules ensure that at any given time, only one mutable reference or multiple immutable references can access data. This way, the Rust compiler can catch and reject data races and other undefined behaviors at compile time. Definition of Rust Ownership: A value can only be owned by one variable, and at any moment, there can only be one owner.

Guide to thiserror

This article will introduce and provide a demo based on version 1.0.59. The thiserror crate further simplifies the process of defining custom error types in Rust. It provides a convenient way to define custom error types for programs based on a derive procedural macro. Compared with manually implementing the std::error::Error trait, using thiserror can greatly reduce boilerplate code and provide better type safety and readability. Introduction to Related Macros #[derive(Error)]This is the core macro of thiserror, used to automatically derive the implementation of the std::error::Error trait for custom error types.

Spring Bean Naming Conventions

In Spring, each bean has one or more identifiers that must be unique within the container where the bean resides. Typically, a bean has a single identifier, but aliases can be used to extend the identifiers if needed. In XML-based configuration, developers can specify bean identifiers using the id or name attributes. Generally, identifiers are composed of letters and may include special characters. If aliases are used, they can be separated by commas , or semicolons ; in the name attribute.

Guide to Using Spring PropertySource

The PropertySource is an interface in the Spring Framework that provides a source for properties (configurations). It allows loading and accessing property values within an application, which are typically used to configure the application’s behavior. Key Methods in PropertySourceThe PropertySource interface defines the following methods: String getName(): Gets the name of the property source. Object getProperty(String name): Retrieves the property value based on the property name. boolean containsProperty(String name): Checks if the property source contains a property with the specified name.

Introduction to MySQL Database Transactions

When discussing transactions, you might think of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). In MySQL, transaction isolation levels correspond to the Consistency and Isolation properties of ACID. ACID refers to the four properties a database transaction should have. Atomicity: A transaction is an atomic operation that either fully completes or entirely rolls back to the initial state. MySQL’s transaction isolation levels are not directly related to atomicity but achieve it through transaction commit and rollback.

Spring Events User Guide

Spring Events Usage Guide Spring events are a mechanism in the Spring framework for implementing an event notification system based on the publish-subscribe pattern within an application. We can use Spring events to achieve simple business decoupling. This article will introduce the usage of Spring Events and related examples based on the SpringFramework 5.3.32 version. Core Components of Spring EventsIn Spring, events are implemented through the following core components: